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Mittwoch, 10. April 2013

She came at dawn: Rate and Review

She came at dawn: Rate and Review: The book is currently ranking on #2 on the lesbian romance Amazon store in the US. It's one of two books in the Top 10 without a publis...

Montag, 8. April 2013

Thank you

You guys are awesome. She came at dawn is on Rank 12 on Amazon in the category lesbian romance. I saw that some of you bought it and I would love if you would rate or even review it on Amazon. It would really mean a lot to me. I just got my Paperback Edition. Looks nice too :)

She came at dawn at Ebook

She came at dawn at Paperback

Mittwoch, 3. April 2013

Ebook and Paperback

Dear beloved readers,

a long period of working on "She came at dawn" finally comes to an end. I put more than a year of writing and editing in this story to present you the outcome today. I would be really happy if you would take the time and rate and/or review it on Amazon. I know that there will be a lot who will not buy it and read it here but a review and rate would be great nonetheless. It would also be great if some of you would by a copy. The book is available as an ebook for all ebook-readers and not only for Kindle (DRM free). For those who like it the old fashioned way, there's also a paperback version.
Don't worry, I'll post the rest of the story on this blog too, but this is the rare and unedited piece and I can assure you that the ebook is a lot better in terms of storytelling and grammar.


Link US: Amazon ebook / Paperback
Link Germany: Amazon ebook / Taschenbuch  
Other countries: Go to the Amazon page of your country and search for "She came at dawn"

On a sidenote: The chapter numbers and some titles are different from here, so if you buy the ebook to read ahead look for the right chapter.

I will also try publishing it on itunes and sharewords later this week.